"The MAN Behind Our Success"

"The MAN Behind Our Success"

Gurudeva Who Identified Himself With The Supreme Truth And Declared :-

“I am Chirst, I am Christian; I am Mohamed, I am the Muslim; I am Brahmana and I am Chandal a; I am God and I am the Devil; I am the sinner and I am the virtuous; I am the wise man as well as the dunce; I am the disciple as well as the Guru; It is I that listen and I that speak; I am certitude and I am doubt; I am Heaven and I am Hell; I am darkness and I am light; I am Yoga and I am Bhoga; I am Freedom and I am Bondage; I am everything. Look, look, look close, I am there in every atom, in every molecule. How can you bear grudge or hatred against anybody? I am all; there is nothing which is not myself. I alone was in the past; I alone am in the present; I alone shall be in the future. Whomsoever you envy, you envy me, in this vast universe, it is I alone, who exist”.

Enjoying the Eternal Festival............

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Japa is the recitation of Lord's name. Japa is an important sadhana (practice) for God-realisation.

Japa yoga is the easiest, safest and surest way of attaining the goal in the present age.

Repeat 200 malas (rosary of 108 beads) of japa daily. Do more mental japa. Practice of japa brings the devotee face to face with God.


Japa yoga is the yoga of recitation of a mantra (or name of the Lord). There is a mysterious power in every name of the Lord. 

A name or mantra is recited in three ways, viz. verbal or loud utterance, semi-verbal or humming, and mental. Mental japa is more powerful.

Let the recitation of japa become habitual. Do purascarana - do one lakh (one hundred thousand) of japa for each letter (of the mantra). Live on milk and fruits. Observe brahmacarya during this period.


Prayer is not asking. It is the yearning of the soul for communion with God. Sincere prayer draws the grace of the Lord.

Prayer is a mighty spiritual force. It should spring from the bottom of your heart.

Pray sincerely, fervently, whole-heartedly. Then alone will God listen to your prayer.


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